Petrichevich-Horváth Castle, Jichișu de Jos
  • National Monument Number:
  • -
  • Address:
  • Jichisu de jos
  • Dated to:
  • 20th century
  • Ownership:
  • Public property

There are no data available regarding the construction of the castle. Carrying the atmosphere of a medieval castle, the tower with a balcony and the driveway, known from the archives, respectively the tower-like staircase, they all bear the marks of historicism. The single-storey, L-shaped castle has almost completely lost its former charm. Some parts of the building (the driveway and the staircase) were demolished and the tympanum over the main entrance, as well as the pillared terrace were walled-up. 

It is likely that the roof has suffered damages, as the plaster has peeled off on every side of the building. The building is owned by the local mayor's office, who carried out renovation works in 2010. These renovation works resulted a new roof and the heightening of the building.

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